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Nov 21, 2019

This episode we talk about struggling with insecurity.

What happens when an amazing person working on confidence, empowerment and joy struggles with insecurity? Hang out with us as we craft to ground and relax, and process the moving target that is self actualization and badass-ness.

Join in the conversation and talk to...

Jul 15, 2019

Is it better to miss out or do things alone?  Is going some place alone sad, scary or rad? What if it’s all three?

Join us as we talk about grabbing life and our time by the cojones and making sure we don’t miss out on what we are excited about.  How can you do the same??  Do you even want to?

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Jun 19, 2019

It seems to be a universal experience of hating the way we look in pictures, or struggling to feel confident, but how much of that is because of unreasonable or unhealthy expectations versus unfortunate angles?  We talk about owning, and perhaps even celebrating our image. We deserve to be recorded and celebrate, and...

Jun 10, 2019

Can we work on ourselves and make changes by ourselves? What if we need some help, or someone to talk to? Join us in episode 303 as we talk about our own journeys with mental health, what to expect, and how to overcome obstacles that stand in your way!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the...

May 26, 2019

Fat Acceptance vs. Fat Inclusion. How do we describe what we are trying to accomplish? Do our words help or hinder us? Should we be using different words? How angry are we going to get?? The conversations and words we use are super important and we don't always agree. Having conversations like this are not only...