Feb 26, 2024
Why do people make fun of me being fat? What is ableism? Why do I feel bad about being fat? I am fat and disabled why are doctors so focused on my weight? Why can't I get help for my disability? Why is it hard to ask for help? Why is there limited resources to support my disability? Why is accessibility so limited in...
Feb 19, 2024
Does being fat make it hard to get pregnant? Does obesity affect fertility? Do hormones impact weight? What science do we actually know about being fat and conception? I want to have a baby and my doctor won't stop telling me to lose weight, why does this happen? Is my infertility all my fault? Does morning after...
Feb 12, 2024
Is my therapist mad at me for being fat? Why does my therapist want to know my BMI? Does being fat affect how people treat me? Does being fat make me mentally ill? Is my therapist prejudiced against fat people? Should my therapist give me diet and exercise tips? Why do I feel so guilty after seeing my therapist? Is...
Feb 5, 2024
Why does my doctor say I am obese? Does being obese mean I am not healthy? What does obese mean? Is obese a medical term? Is obesity science? Is obesity a disease? Why do I feel shame around the word obese? Do I need an advocate at my doctors appointment? Why does my doctor treat being obese like a death sentence? How...
Jan 29, 2024
Will losing weight make me healthy? Is my doctor practicing outdated science? Is my doctor hurting me? Does the BMI tell me if I am healthy? Why does my doctor want to put me on ozempic/semiglutide to lose weight? Is there a cure for being fat? Do fat people need to be cured? Why does my doctor only look at my weight...